Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Army (Buddy Rose/Kiwi Sheepherders) vs Roddy Piper/Sam Bass/Red Bastein - 10/27/79 - 2/3 falls

This is exactly what I was saying about the face side in the last review. I am going to be amazed if this match isn't downright awesome. Some great Rose stooging to begin as he feeds right into Bastein's shots and does a fun little "Wrong corner"s spot before tagging out. Rose is always an really tangible presence on the apron in these crazy six man matches. You get the idea he could make an impact interfering at any moment. I can't tell which one is Luke and which one is Butch, but I think it's Miller who has a frenetic little rope running spot with Piper, lots of stalling and then the same spot held off only to end with a Bastein shot from the outside. The heels try an inversion of the shot and Roddy fights his way out with insane babyface energy. Clever and entertaining stuff. They're also doing a great job of keeping Rose from being in too long so while he'll get a momentary shot, he's not eating a lot of offense so the crowd keeps wanting more. I could watch Roddy vs the Sheepherders all day. Williams finally chokes him into the heel corner and we get a transition as Bastein tries to break it up but just distracts the ref allowing a heel mauling.

This is a great little FIP with almost constant hope spots that are cut off by swarming teamwork and ring positioning. The best part is when Williams does a single arm rollback takedown to move Piper back to his corner, but Roddy randomly attacking the heel corner first on a comeback to try to stop them from stopping him is great too. Buddy hits a huge flying back elbow too. The hot tag is ultimately not super, but Bastein's comes in and cleans house well, putting Buddy in the sleeper to help set up the hair match on Tuesday and that's the first fall. We get the goofy stuff that comes with the Sheepherders waking up Buddy between falls.

Second fall starts with the Sheepherders ambushing Bastein in the corner. This goes quick with Buddy nailing the back multiple times before hitting a really cool backbreaker into Miller's knee in the corner three times before hitting one of his own for a sudden fall. I didn't dislike it and it was definitely a structural switch from every other match we'd seen. Third fall has them starting on Bastein including some particularly nasty stuff from the Sheepherders before Bastein reverses a Robinson backbreaker attempt and hits an atomic drop of his own and then the hot tag to Bass. I really love how they can interrupt a heat segment with a pin in these two/three fall matches but still make it seem like part of a broader story.

It all breaks down here with he babyfaces beating on the heels until a cheapshot leads to a quick heat segment on Bass and a hot tag to Piper bringing things full circle from the beginning of the match until we finally get Rose and Piper facing off. Everything breaks down again as we get the time limit draw and another visual of Bastein putting the sleeper on Rose to set up Tuesday.

The third fall was pretty unsatisfying but as a whole it was a lot of fun, very smart and super effective. Good stuff.

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